The Sneeze

What is Eczema: Understanding the Itch

July 1, 2024

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Ask Yourself - Do I Have Eczema?

If you’re constantly itching and scratching yourself, noticing red or inflamed patches of skin that just won't go away and have no idea where it’s coming from, you might be suffering from eczema.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that causes itchy, inflamed skin that can affect people of all ages. So if these symptoms sound like you, you’re not alone! While there's no cure for eczema, there are treatments that can help control the symptoms and improve your quality of life.

Eczema is commonly seen in babies and young kids, and while some will outgrow the eczema, others will continue to have symptoms into adulthood. There is also adult-onset eczema!

Common Allergens and Irritants That Trigger Eczema

Allergens and irritants that can trigger eczema include cold dry air, viral infections, environmental allergens, chemical irritants (fragrances/dyes/preservatives in topical products for example), and sometimes foods (peanut and egg being the most associated).

What Causes Eczema?

The main cause of eczema is an inherent skin barrier defect: abnormalities in certain skin proteins and enzymes leads to skin cells being loose instead of tight, which allows external irritants and allergens to penetrate deeper than they should, causing inflammatory response along with loss of moisture that leads to eczema rashes.

Symptoms of Eczema

Most prominently, eczema causes itchy, dry, and sensitive skin. In some cases, it can cause patches of skin to change in texture, making it feel rough to the touch or causing a leathery, scaly, and flaky appearance. People with very severe eczema may find that affected patches of skin can swell up, become crusty and rough, and may even crack, causing sores and a lot of discomfort for the sufferer. Severe eczema can also lead to skin infections, as the ability of the skin to defend against bacteria is compromised by the inflammation and barrier defect.  Constant scratching of the itchy and inflamed skin can lead to a vicious cycle of breaking down of the barrier, leading to further irritant/allergen entering through, which leads to ongoing itchy inflammation.

At-Home Solutions for Eczema Relief

For starters, eczema can be relieved with a good daily moisturizing routine with eczema-safe products. However, it is important to note that every patient is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Consulting a healthcare provider to identify triggers and determine the appropriate course of treatment is recommended! 

Knowing what your allergic triggers are helps with the first big step of avoidance. Staying away from skincare products that are sure to irritate your symptoms is key. Making sure to keep windows closed can help prevent airborne allergens like grass and tree pollen from entering your home and aggravating the underlying allergies that may be causing your eczema. 


If you're struggling with eczema, it's important to see a healthcare professional to get a proper diagnosis and discuss treatment options. At Premier Allergy & Asthma, our team of experienced healthcare providers can help you develop a personalized treatment plan to manage your eczema and improve your quality of life.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Don't let eczema control your life. Contact Premier Allergy & Asthma in Columbus, Ohio today to schedule an appointment so we can help you find relief and get back to enjoying your life!
